
 High Profile Cases & Results

Car Wreck Settlement
County: Collin County

Result: Wyde & Associates secured a $67,000 settlement for a client who was riding his motorcycle when he was struck by a car. Despite sustaining only minor injuries, we successfully maximized his compensation.
Assault Charge Conditional Dismissal
County: Dallas County

Result: Wyde & Associates represented client charged with assault. Result was conditional dismissal.
3 Cases Dismissed

County: Dallas County

Result: Wyde & Associates represented client and got three cases dismissed and one non-conviction probation.

Cook County DWI Record Expunged
County: Cook County

Result: Wyde & Associates successfully represented client to help criminal record get expunged for DWI in Cook County Texas.
Collin County Assault Charge Expungement
County: Collin

Result: Assault charge criminal record expunged for client by Wyde & Associates.
Frisco Assault Case Dismissed

County: Collin (City: Frisco)

Result: Attorney Dan Wyde was able get client’s assault charge dismissed in Frisco

Dallas DWI Case Dismissal
County: Dallas

After 3 years of back and forth communication with the Dallas District Attorney, our firm (Attorney Dan Wyde) was able to get the client’s DWI case dismissed in the 292nd judicial district court.
State v. Curtis K.
3rd-Degree Felony Family Violence Assault by Choking

County: Collin

Result: Charge reduced to misdemeanor; no finding of family violence; client received non-conviction probation.
State v. Nicole W.
Driving While Intoxicated

County: Collin

Result: Dismissed. Judge impermissibly granted State’s Motion for Mistrial during a jury trial. The State attempted to retry the case. Wyde & Associates filed Motion to Dismiss based upon U.S. Constitution’s Double Jeopardy clause. State’s appellate attorney tells judge, “The State can’t win on appeal.” Judge dismisses case against client.

Case Dismissed

County: Collin County

Result: Wyde & Associates represented client and got the cases dismissed with client not needing to attend parenting classes as recommended by CPS.
State v. Ken R.
Driving While intoxicated

County: Dallas

Result: Dismissed; W&A negotiated a plea agreement wherein Client received non-conviction probation for Obstruction of a Highway and a fine. Client is eligible to receive Orders of Expunction and Non-Disclosure.
State v. Lauren F.

County: Denton

Result: Non-Jury trial, Not Guilty/Directed Verdict as the DA failed to prove a prima facie case.

State v. Jean V.
Driving While Intoxicated 2nd and Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon

County: Dallas
Result: Both cases DISMISSED after W&A proved the client was
unlawfully stopped by police.
State vs. Jose A.
Client accused of 2nd-degree felony Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, facing 25 years to Life in the penitentiary.
Wyde & Associates negotiated a plea bargain wherein the charge was reduced to the Class B misdemeanor of Disorderly Conduct and the client accepted his backtime in lieu of any further punishment.
State vs. Amy G.
Client was indicted for evading arrest from the police by fleeing in her car, a 3rd-degree felony on two separate dates. One felony was DISMISSED and the other reduced to a misdemeanor, with a sentence of 12 months non-supervised, non-reporting probation.
Client is eligible for Orders of Expunction and Non-Disclosure.

Simays v Turtle Creek Medical Management

Wrongful termination and Assault

Represented Defendants, medical clinic and owners

County: Dallas
Result: $0.00 judgement for Plaintiff and $18,000 in attorney’s fees for W&A
Marable v North Texas University

Wrongful termination

Represented Plaintiff

County: Dallas
Result: $130,000 judgement for Plaintiff
Landis v North Texas City
Wrongful termination

Represented Plaintiff

County: Dallas
Result: $250,000+ judgement for Plaintiff and attorney’s fees for W&A

State v. $14,371.00

County: Collin

Result: Client’s money, $14,371.00, was confiscated from him by Plano Police Dept., and the State filed a civil lawsuit attempting to keep the funds. Wyde & Associates obtained a dismissal of the civil suit and the police were forced to return the money to the client.
State v Ralphcel
Client accused of Assault (Family Violence) and Interfering with an Emergency Telephone Call

County: Dallas

Result: Both cases Dismissed (Unconditionally). Client eligible for Order of Expunction..
State v Karylse A.
Possession of a controlled substance.

County: Smith

Result: Case dismissed

State v Ashlie W.
Driving while intoxicated.

County: Dallas

Result: Not guilty
State v April A.
Sexual assault by a teacher.

County: Dallas

Result: No conviction. Client received deferred probation.
State v Joann S.
Sexual assault by a teacher.

County: Wood

Result: Client granted probation

State v S.A.
Criminal contempt of court.

County: Tarrant

Result: Not guilty
State v Dr. Y.D.
Driving while intoxicated.

County: Dallas

Result: Not guilty
State v Mark E.

County: Dallas

Result: Not guilty

State v Richard B.
Possession of marijuana.

County: Collin

Result: Not guilty
State v Dr. S.D.
Driving while intoxicated.

County: Dallas

Result: Not guilty
State v Jimmy R
Failure to register as a sex offender.

County: Dallas

Result: Not guilty

Moss & Keating vs. Princip & Martin
County: Dallas County

Result: Wyde & Associates is pleased to secure a $23.4 million jury verdict in U.S. District Court in Dallas, Texas on Apr 1, 2016 on behalf of its clients for breach of partnership agreements and breach of fiduciary duties. Apparently, this verdict is the largest non-personal injury verdict in Dallas federal court in 20 years.

Founding partner Dan L. Wyde tried the case, including obtaining $16 million dollars awarded for exemplary / punitive damages due to the defendants’ conduct, with attorney Victor Vital, a partner with Barnes & Thornburg.

Read more about the trial in the Dallas Morning News’ article appearing in the Business Section below:
Successful Defense Of Negligence Claim And Recovery Of Attorney’s Fees
County: Dallas County

Result: Wyde & Associates’ client, J.C. Commercial, Inc., was sued for negligence and premises liability for an incident at the Plano Aquatic Center. J.C. Commercial, Inc., was the general contractor that oversaw the defendant subcontractor’s renovations of the pool.

The case between the plaintiffs and both defendants settled after J.C. Commercial Inc.’s motions for summary judgement were heard. W&A was successful in pursuing all attorney’s fees on behalf of its client through a cross-claim for indemnification.

Wyde & Associates’ attorneys representing J.C. Commercial, Inc. were Dan Wyde and Connor J. Moore.

Wyde & Associates specializes in civil litigation, business law, family law, probate law and criminal defense matters.

May W&A be of assistance to you or someone you know?
Breach Of Contract And Deceptive Trade Practices
County: Denton County

Result: Wyde & Associates’ client, J.C. Commercial, Inc., sued subcontractor PRG Mechancial, Inc. for breach of contract and deceptive trade practices pursuant to the Texas DTPA. J.C. Commercial, Inc.’s motion for summary judgement was granted. W&A is please to announce that its client, J.C. Commercial, Inc., obtained a judgement in the amount of $94,541.35.

Wyde & Associates specializes in civil litigation, business law, family law, probate law and criminal defense matters.

May W&A be of assistance to you or someone you know?

Aggravated Assault With Deadly Weapon
County: Tarrant County

Result: Defendant was indicted for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon against the mother of his child, facing up to 20 years in prison. The Def. retained Wyde & Associates (W&A) and the Tarrant Co. DA recommended 3 years in prison and no further contact with the complainant. 

After W&A filed motions to suppress the 911 telephone call and all statements made to and by the police officers, the complainant and Def., the DA recommended non-conviction community supervision. At the time of the sentencing, the DA agreed to the Defendant having contact with the complainant, including moving back into the Def's home.

DWI 3rd And Failure To ID


Result: Client was charged with felony DWI and failure to identify himself.  After 5 years the State admitted it had problems with its case and offered the exact plea bargain that Defendant's counsel requested when the case first was filed, including dismissal of the failure to identify case.

Drug Possession Charge Dismissed
County: Dallas County

Result: Wyde & Associates successfully represented client to get drug possession case dismissed.

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